Whatman 滤膜 5200-125 200 12.5CM 100/PK 200 12.5CM 100/PK
荧光染料56080 Cyanine7.5 maleimide 50 mg
lumiprobe荧光染料56080 Cyanine7.5 maleimide 50 mg lumiprobe荧光染料Cyanine7.5 马来酰亚胺基 50 mg 695
荧光染料53420 BDP TR NHS ester 50 mg
lumiprobe荧光染料53420 BDP TR NHS ester 50 mg lumiprobe荧光染料BDP TR 羧基活性酯 50 mg 695
whatman QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型 1851-090 QMA 9.0CM 100/PK
whatman QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型 1851-090 QMA 9.0CM 100/PK
whatman |
滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-025 | QMA 2.5CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型25mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-032 | QMA 3.2CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型32mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-037 | QMA 3.7CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型37mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-040 | QMA 4.0CM 100/PK | |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-045 | QMA 4.5CM 100/PK | 0 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-047 | QMA 4.7CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型47mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-050 | QMA 5.0CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型50mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-055 | QMA 5.5CM 100/PK | 0 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-082 | QMA 8.26CM 100/PK | 0 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-085 | QMA 8.5CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型85mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-090 | QMA 9.0CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型90mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-101 | QMA 10.16CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型101.6mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-110 | QMA 11CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型110mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-118 | QMA 11.8CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型118mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-150 | QMA 15CM 100/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸圆型150mm/100 |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-6941 | QMA 54CMX66CM 100PK | |
whatman | 滤膜滤纸滤器 | 1851-865 | QMA 8x10IN 25/PK | QM-A石英纤维滤纸方形8x10inch/25 |
Wheaton 惠顿 W985902 冻存瓶 2mL 内旋盖,自然色,带书写涂层 盒
Wheaton 惠顿 W985902 冻存瓶 2mL 内旋盖,自然色,带书写涂层 盒
227497-16 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 361 – 384, 玻璃robotic塞 盒 24 ¥3,683.61
227497-17G 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 385 – 408, 玻璃pennyhead塞 盒 24 ¥3,683.61
227497-17 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 385 – 408, 玻璃robotic塞 盒 24 ¥3,683.61
227497-18G 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 409 – 432, 玻璃pennyhead塞 盒 24 ¥3,683.61
227497-18 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 409 – 432, 玻璃robotic塞 盒 24 ¥3,683.61
227497-99G 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 特殊序列, 玻璃pennyhead塞 盒 24 ¥6,569.43
227497-99 生化需氧量瓶 300mL 特殊序列, 玻璃robotic塞 盒 24 ¥6,569.43
60mL和300mL BOD瓶备用塞
227670 备用塞 玻璃robotic塞 盒 12 ¥578.13
227672 备用塞 玻璃pennyhead塞 盒 12 ¥556.29
227667 黑色生化需氧瓶 300mL 黑色PVC镀膜 盒 20 ¥4,722.90
227580 生化需氧瓶 2L 个 1 ¥1,345.89
227700 通气装置 生化需氧瓶通气装置 个 1 ¥1,336.86
227723 瓶盖 瓶盖 盒 50 ¥569.52
W227729 瓶架 可放20个60mL瓶子 个 1 ¥863.94
W227731 瓶架 可放12个300mL瓶子 个 1 ¥685.86
776580 塞子安全带 橡胶安全带 盒 25 ¥245.49
885200 塞子安全带 500mL炸弹型采样器 个 1 ¥12,481.14
885300 桶式采样器 25mL 盒 100 ¥2,223.06
885302 桶式采样器 75mL 盒 24 ¥950.46
885303 桶式采样器 150mL 盒 24 ¥1,363.53
885250 元件 144cm Coliwasa元件 个 1 ¥3,713.43
885252 元件 183cm Coliwasa元件 个 1 ¥4,134.48
885253 扩展连接器 144cm 扩展连接器 个 1 ¥2,323.23
885255 扩展连接器 183cm 扩展连接器 个 1 ¥2,772.84
885258 备用部件 底板和不锈钢螺母 个 1 ¥272.16
885220 玻璃采样器 一次性带刻度元件,钠钙玻璃 盒 12 ¥1,736.91
885230 玻璃采样器 无刻度可回用元件,硼硅玻璃 盒 12 ¥4,249.35
885231 玻璃采样器 带刻度可回用元件,硼硅玻璃 盒 12 ¥4,266.78
885232 玻璃采样器 PTFE备用密封圈 盒 10 ¥437.85
885235 喇叭状采样器 200mL容量 盒 12 ¥2,375.10
885020 采样器 采样器全套 个 1 ¥2,399.46
885025 带盖瓶子 125mL带盖瓶子,瓶口33-430 盒 12 ¥1,235.85
240480 备用旋盖 33-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 盒 100 ¥3,108.21
990250 地下抓斗式取样器 I型地下抓斗式取样器 个 1 ¥6,667.50
990477 备用采样瓶 1000mL备用采样瓶,瓶口38-430 个 1 ¥464.52
240481 备用旋盖 38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 盒 100 ¥3,408.09
990350 地下抓斗式取样器 183cm II型地下抓斗式取样器 个 1 ¥7,619.85
990400 地下抓斗式取样器 366cm II型地下抓斗式取样器 个 1 ¥9,402.33
990450 地下抓斗式取样器 549cm II型地下抓斗式取样器 个 1 ¥11,210.22
990477 备用采样瓶 1000mL备用采样瓶,瓶口38-430 个 1 ¥464.52
240481 备用旋盖 38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 盒 100 ¥3,408.09
990470 地下抓斗式取样器 III型地下抓斗式取样器 个 1 ¥10,111.08
990471 地下抓斗式取样器 183cm扩展套件 个 1 ¥3,272.01
216641 安全涂层罐 安全涂层罐,无盖,瓶口70-400 盒 12 ¥1,172.22
239244 白色聚丙烯盖 70-400带聚四氟乙烯表面聚乙烯垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 48 ¥1,428.21
990477 细口取样瓶 1000mL带盖瓶 个 1 ¥464.52
990476 广口取样瓶 1000mL带盖瓶 个 1 ¥1,890.00
370790 称皿 11mm直径 盒 1000 ¥859.53
370792 称皿 20mm直径 盒 1000 ¥1,087.80
40mL EPA小瓶
根据EPA40 CFR136的水样小瓶,无色透明小瓶由Wheaton33低析出硼硅玻璃制造,棕色小瓶由Wheaton棕色玻璃制造
225310 小瓶 40mL 无色透明,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的黑色酚醛树脂盖 盒 72 ¥2,103.57
225315 小瓶 40mL 棕色,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥2,272.83
W240518 黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 24-400 黑色酚醛树脂材质, 无盖垫 盒 200 ¥798.63
W240598 平垫 24 mm 带PTFE表面硅树脂垫10/90 盒 100 ¥3,281.04
W224600 玻璃纤维聚丙烯旋盖 24-400,PTFE表面硅树脂盖垫 盒 200 ¥3,159.45
W224609 环境分析用小瓶 20 m 无色透明,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥1,593.06
W224610 环境分析用小瓶 25mL 无色透明,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥1,653.33
W224611 环境分析用小瓶 40mL 无色透明,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥1,984.29
W224612 环境分析用小瓶 20mL 棕色,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥1,623.09
W224614 环境分析用小瓶 40mL 棕色,顶端开口带PTFE表面硅橡胶盖垫的白色聚丙烯盖 盒 72 ¥2,014.53
216711 萃取瓶 2.2 L单口瓶,瓶口尺寸100-400 个 1 ¥1,555.68
216712 萃取瓶 2.2 L两端开口瓶,瓶口尺寸100-400 个 1 ¥1,177.68
216731 萃取瓶 3.2 L 单口瓶,瓶口尺寸100-400 个 1 ¥1,834.35
240202 萃取瓶盖 白色重型聚丙烯旋盖,防重压以及化学腐蚀,100-400 盒 4 ¥669.69
240203 萃取瓶盖 中心带孔白色重压聚丙烯旋盖,100-400 盒 4 ¥756.00
240204 萃取瓶盖 白色轻型聚丙烯旋盖,100-400 盒 4 ¥122.22
240555 萃取瓶盖垫 Zitex盖垫,100-400,含透气孔 盒 4 ¥194.67
240557 萃取瓶盖垫 PTFE/硅树脂盖垫,100-400 盒 4 ¥507.36
W990800 塑料英霍夫式锥形管 1000mL 盒 4 ¥1,507.80
990760 管架 三位管架 个 1 ¥531.09
990760-4 管架 四位管架 个 1 ¥731.85
885295 开桶器 开桶器 个 1 ¥489.93
885540 不锈钢铲 不锈钢铲 盒 4 ¥1,427.79
W216994 无色透明油样品瓶 125mL 盒 144 ¥2,503.20
用于小容积冻干样品,硼硅玻璃符合USPⅠ型以及ASTMⅠ型标准,A类要求,热封口或者塞封口(使用Wheaton W651450塞)
W651446 冻干安瓿瓶 2mL 盒 144 ¥3,709.02
W651450 冻干安瓿瓶 11 mm 灰色橡胶塞 盒 144 ¥2,219.49
651502 带刻痕冻干安瓿瓶 1mL Vacule, 带刻痕 盒 144 ¥1,141.35
W651506 带刻痕冻干安瓿瓶 2mL Vacule, 带刻痕 盒 567 ¥4,176.06
219361 螺纹口诊断瓶 10mL 无色透明螺纹口诊断瓶 盒 480 ¥8,682.87
219362 螺纹口诊断瓶 20mL 无色透明螺纹口诊断瓶 盒 480 ¥8,860.95
219371 螺纹口诊断瓶 10mL 棕色螺纹口诊断瓶 盒 480 ¥8,899.17
219372 螺纹口诊断瓶 20mL 棕色螺纹口诊断瓶 盒 480 ¥9,181.83
240676-01 密封件 20-400,黑色 盒 100 ¥570.57
240676-02 密封件 20-400,白色 盒 100 ¥570.57
240676-03 密封件 20-400,红色 盒 100 ¥570.57
240676-04 密封件 20-400,蓝色 盒 100 ¥570.57
240676-05 密封件 20-400,黄色 盒 100 ¥570.57
240706-01 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,黑色 盒 300 ¥453.81
240706-02 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,白色 盒 300 ¥529.62
240706-04 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,蓝色 盒 300 ¥704.13
240706-05 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,黄色 盒 300 ¥704.13
240716-01 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,黑色 盒 300 ¥638.82
240716-02 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,白色 盒 300 ¥714.84
240716-03 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,红色 盒 300 ¥788.55
240716-04 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,蓝色 盒 300 ¥788.55
240716-05 螺纹口诊断瓶旋盖 20-400,黄色 盒 300 ¥788.55
224100-203 塞子,薄法兰 20mm,灰色氯丁胶/55 盒 300 ¥1,379.28
W224100-185 塞子,薄法兰 20mm法兰,灰色氯丁胶/50 盒 1000 ¥2,455.32
240736 培养基瓶附件 白色不带密封环聚丙烯盖 盒 12 ¥276.36
240746 培养基瓶附件 白色顶端可打开的聚丙烯盖 盒 12 ¥485.10
240756 培养基瓶附件 天然聚丙烯倾倒环 盒 12 ¥94.29
240760 培养基瓶附件 红色聚氟乙烯倾倒环 盒 10 ¥337.26
W223712 血清瓶 2mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥1,738.17
223738 血清瓶 5mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥1,848.21
223739 血清瓶 10mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥2,586.99
223742 血清瓶 20mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥3,160.08
223743 血清瓶 30mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥3,891.51
223745 血清瓶 50mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 288 ¥4,883.55
223746 血清瓶 60mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 144 ¥2,725.17
223747 血清瓶 100mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 144 ¥3,774.12
223748 血清瓶 125mL 无色透明血清瓶 盒 144 ¥5,282.55
223760 血清瓶 5mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 288 ¥3,325.14
223761 血清瓶 10mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 288 ¥3,685.50
223762 血清瓶 20mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 288 ¥4,175.43
223763 血清瓶 30mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 288 ¥5,108.46
223764 血清瓶 50mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 288 ¥6,514.20
223766 血清瓶 100mL 棕色血清瓶 盒 144 ¥4,857.72
651954 小瓶 4mL 盒 200 ¥1,424.01
651905 小瓶 5mL 盒 200 ¥1,993.74
651907 小瓶 10mL 盒 200 ¥1,871.52
224100-080 橡胶塞 13 mm , 紧扣塞,红色橡胶 盒 1000 ¥1,536.36
W224100-093 橡胶塞 13 mm , 两叶冻干塞, 灰色氯丁基橡胶 盒 1000 ¥1,569.12
240209 黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 15-425 黑色酚醛树脂材质, 14B橡胶垫 盒 200 ¥655.83
W240509 黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 15-425 黑色酚醛树脂材质, 无盖垫 盒 200 ¥534.66
224100-172 橡胶塞 20 mm , 直通塞,红色橡胶 盒 1000 ¥1,892.52
W224100-193 橡胶塞 20 mm , 两叶冻干塞,灰色氯丁基橡胶 盒 1000 ¥2,316.72
W224100-202 橡胶塞 20 mm , 三叶冻干塞,灰色氯丁基橡胶 盒 1000 ¥2,074.80
239853 黑色酚醛树脂旋盖 22-350 黑色酚醛树脂材质, 无盖垫 盒 500 ¥1,288.35
223683 血清管型瓶 2mL 无色透明血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥655.83
223684 血清管型瓶 3mL 无色透明血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥673.05
223685 血清管型瓶 5mL 无色透明血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥842.52
223686 血清管型瓶 10mL 无色透明血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥990.15
223687 血清管型瓶 20mL 无色透明血清管型瓶 盒 120 ¥1,163.82
223693 血清管型瓶 2mL 棕色血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥854.49
223695 血清管型瓶 5mL 棕色血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥986.58
223696 血清管型瓶 10mL 棕色血清管型瓶 盒 144 ¥1,227.03
224175-01 无垫铝盖 8 mm , 顶部可开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥997.29
224175-06 无垫铝盖 8 mm , 顶部可开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,223.88
224176-01 无垫铝盖 11 mm , 顶部可开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥1,059.66
224176-05 无垫铝盖 11 mm , 顶部可开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥1,223.88
224176-06 无垫铝盖 11 mm , 顶部可开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,223.88
224176-07 无垫铝盖 11 mm , 顶部可开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥1,223.88
224189 无垫铝盖 11 mm , 固体顶部, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥834.96
224177-01 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部可开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥1,122.87
224177-05 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部可开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥1,296.33
224177-06 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部可开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,296.33
224182-01 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥858.48
224182-05 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥1,110.69
224182-06 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,110.69
224182-07 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥1,121.61
224192-01 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 可完全撕开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥763.35
224192-05 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 可完全撕开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥882.21
224192-06 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 可完全撕开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥882.21
224192-07 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 可完全撕开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥882.21
224202 无垫铝盖 13 mm , 掀盖, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥1,603.14
W224207 无垫铝盖 13mm, 可撕下的掀盖 盒 1000 ¥3,130.47
224178-01 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部可开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥924.21
224178-05 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部可开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥1,206.24
224178-06 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部可开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,206.24
224178-07 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部可开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥1,206.24
224183-01 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥924.21
224183-05 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥1,078.77
224183-06 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 红色 盒 1000 ¥1,078.77
224183-07 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 顶部中间撕开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥1,078.77
224191 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 固体顶部, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥1,057.14
224193-01 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 可完全撕开, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥834.75
224193-05 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 可完全撕开, 蓝色 盒 1000 ¥945.00
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224193-07 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 可完全撕开, 绿色 盒 1000 ¥945.00
224203 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 掀盖, 自然色 盒 1000 ¥2,363.55
224208 无垫铝盖 20 mm , 掀盖, 红色 盒 1000 ¥2,731.26
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淀粉总量检测试剂盒 Total Starch (AA/AMG) Assay Kit 货号:K-TSTA-100A Megazyme中文站
英文名:Total Starch (AA/AMG) Assay Kit
规格:100 assays per kit
The Total Starch (AA/AMG) test kit is used for the measurement and analysis of total starch in cereal flours and food products. This kit now contains an improved α-amylase that allows the amylase incubations to be performed at pH 5.0 (as well as pH 7.0).
Colourimetric method for the determination of Total Starch in
cereal products, feeds, foodstuffs and other materials
(α-amylase, 100°C ± DMSO)
(1) Starch granules + H2O → maltodextrins
(2) Maltodextrins + H2O → D-glucose
(glucose oxidase)
(3) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconate + H2O2
(4) 2H2O2 + p-hydroxybenzoic acid + 4-aminoantipyrine →
quinoneimine + 4H2O
Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 510 nm
Total assay time: ~ 90 min
Detection limit: 1-100% of sample weight
Application examples:
Cereal flours, food products and other materials
Method recognition:
AOAC (Method 996.11), AACC (Method 76-13.01), ICC (Standard Method
No. 168), and RACI (Standard Method)
- Very competitive price (cost per test)
- All reagents stable for > 12 months after preparation
- Simple format
- Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
- Standard included
Q1. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.
Q2. Why does the quadruplicate glucose control in your Total Starch Assay Kit have to be incubated?
We feel more comfortable with quadruplicate glucose controls. If the control is incorrect, or questionable, then all the results are in doubt.
Q3. Why do duplicate samples have to be measured?
Duplicate samples do not have to be measured. We just suggest this for laboratories starting up.
Q4. Does the Regular Maize Starch need to be analysed with pre-treating by DMSO? How do you store this Enclosed Control?
The Regular Maize Starch does not require DMSO pre-treatment. The value should be about 84% with a moisture content of about 12%, the final dry weight value is about 96-97%. Store the sample at room temperature, dry.
Q5. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
- Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
- Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme (cs@megazyme.com). Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
- State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
- State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
- State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
- State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.
Q6. Does your kit with DMSO solubilise starch that has been vitrified due to malting/kilning?
Yes. We believe that the DMSO step will solubilise vitrified starch in malt. Make sure that the malt is milled to pass a 0.5 mm screen. You could vary the time of cooking with DMSO to check solubilisation (i.e. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or even up to 1 hour).
Q7. Is it possible to differentiate between gelatinised and ungelatinised starch in finished products, such as dog food, using the Total Starch Kit?
We think that there is a better chance of success using the Megazyme Starch Damage Kit.
Q8. Is it possible to use the Total Starch Kit to measure starch levels in plasterboard and related products?
There should be no problem in measuring the starch in plasterboard. I suggest that you grind about 100 g in a kitchen blender and then fine mill to pass 0.5 mm screen. Run a standard assay, but adjust volume to 10 mL after alpha-amylase treatment. Keep a close check on the pH. Plasterboard may push the pH value up (pH up to about 8 should be fine). You may be advised to run a DMSO format concurrently just to be sure. When you treat with amyloglucosidase, I would advise that you take 0.2 and 0.4 mL aliquots of digest (to get the colour up), also, be careful about checking the pH.
Q9. Can the Total Starch Kit be used for samples containing 20% fat or higher?
A 20% fat content could cause a problem for the method. We suggest that the sample be defatted before analysis for starch.
Q10. Do you have any kit or procedures for the determination of extractable starch in corn? This is of particular concern in the corn wet milling. I presume that extractable starch in corn is not the same as total starch?
Our Total Starch Assay Kit could measure starch left in a residue, or starch extracted. No method could measure potential extractable starch, as this will depend on numerous factors, including processing equipment, conditions etc.
Q11. Can I use another buffer instead of the MOPS with your Total Starch Assay Kit? If so, which would be suitable and easily prepared from commonly available laboratory reagents?
You can use phosphate buffer at the same concentration.
Q12. I wish to measure Total Starch in several products. These products contain 10-20% starch + maltodextrins at similar levels. Is it possible to remove the maltodextrins from the sample? Will ethanol work?
Most of the maltodextrins can be removed with 50% ethanol washing. If the starch is not gelatinised, it can be washed with cold water. This will remove all of the soluble maltodextrins, but the starch will spin down. If the starch has been gelatinised, then the best material which can be used for washing is 50% ethanol.
Q13. Could your Total Starch Assay Kit (K-TSTA) be used with success to measure total starch in plant tissues (samples of roots and shoots of maple trees)?
Yes, the Total Starch Kit can be used to measure starch in roots and shoots etc.
Q14. Is the accuracy of the Total Starch test affected by the presence of other inorganic chemicals and ground calcium carbonate in pulp?
We think that calcium carbonate etc. will not cause any problems. However, this of course depends on the amount present and if it changes the pH of the incubation mixture.
Q15. Does the Megazyme Total Starch method work well on all the new chemically modified starches that are now appearing, e.g. highly crosslinked, dextrinised and highly propylene oxide substituted?
The method will work for some chemically modified starches (e.g. crosslinked) however, if the degree of chemical modification is high, there will be an underestimation as the modification will interfere with complete hydrolysis to glucose and subsequent measurement.
Q16. Is it necessary to pre-wash ground cereal samples prior to analysis for Total Starch?
You only need to wash samples which you feel may contain glucose and/or maltodextrins, e.g. breakfast cereals. There is little glucose in ground cereals, so it is not necessary to pre-wash these materials.
Q17. What is the stability of the enzymes from the Total Starch Kit?
The enzymes from this kit are stable at room temperature for at least 6 months. At 4˚C, they are stable for several years.
Q18. Can the Total Starch Kit determine the degree of gelatinisation? Sample : Corn Flour.
The Starch Damage Kit may be best for this. If the starch is gelatinised and dried before analysis the correct results for gelatinisation will not be obtained.
Q19. Are there any limits to the sensitivity of the Total Starch Kit?
The Total Starch Kit can accurately measure starch levels as low as 1% w/w.
Q20. What is the sensitivity and how much is the absorbance of glucose standard (100 micrograms)?
The absorbance for 100 micrograms of glucose (in 3 mL of GOPOD Reagent) is about 0.97.
Q21. Is it possible to raise sensitivity by modifying dilution of GOPOD reagent?
Yes, you can reduce the volume of GOPOD to 1 mL and use micro cuvettes. This will increase sensitivity by ~ 3-fold.
Q22. Does DMSO solubilise resistant starch, i.e. crystallised amylose and amylopectin?
DMSO does solubilise resistant starch (crystallise amylose and amylopectin). The only starch material we have had problems in dissolving in DMSO is potato amylose.
Q23. When analysing samples containing sugars, an 80% v/v solution of ethanol is used to solubilise and remove the sugars. About how large are the smallest dextrins that are left in the starch (not solubilised) in this treatment?
We believe that for starch fragments, oligosaccharides of a DP up to 10 would be soluble in 80% alcohol. The degree of solubility of other oligosaccharides would depend on the sugar type and linkage type.
Q24. What is the sensitivity of the Total Starch Method for measurement in liquids containing low levels of starch?
The Total Starch Kit can be used for liquids containing as little as 200 micrograms per mL with some adjustments of conditions, as below:
Mix 0.5 mL of sample with 0.5 mL of 100 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5). Incubate at 40˚C and add 0.1 mL of Amyloglucosidase and incubate for 30 minutes. Add GOPOD reagent as usual. You will need to run an AMG blank as this enzyme preparation contains a very small amount of glucose.
Q25. AMYLOGLUCOSIDASE. The activity is stated as being 3260 U/mL (Soluble Starch). How was this determined?
The AMG activity was determined with soluble starch as substrate (10 mg/mL) in 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer at pH 4.5 and 40˚C. One Unit is the amount of enzyme required to hydrolyse one micromole of maltose per minute (i.e. to release 2 micromoles of glucose). Glucose release is measured with Glucose Determination Reagent.
Q26. I wish to know if it is possible to perform the assay under acidic conditions? I also need to alter the pH of the MOPS/amylase mixture to pH 3 or 4. Is it known if the amylase supplied with the Total Starch Assay Kit has activity at such a low pH?
We can assure you that the Total Starch Kit will not work if incubations with the thermostable alpha-amylase are performed at pH 3 or 4. This enzyme is inactivated at pH values below 5.0. You may wish to look at a method using just amyloglucosidase which is quite active down to pH 4.0. Check the old AOAC procedure for starch.
Q27. We are currently using your kits for Total Starch, Starch Damage and Sucrose/Glucose/Lactose Assay procedures. How accurate are the volumes contained? Can they be diluted entirely, to avoid wasting the contents while transferring?
When we dispense the enzymes we usually include an extra 5% in each vial, so yes, you can dilute the whole vial. When you do this, please divide into aliquots and store them frozen.
Q28. Which analytical procedure would you recommend for determination of total starch residues in brewing wort and final beer. Megazyme’s procedure – AA/AMG’97, only refers to solid (and not solubilised) starch.
You can use the standard procedure. We would recommend that you treat 2 mL of beer or wort with 8 mL of ethanol, stir and centrifuge (3,000 rpm). Wash the pellet with 10 mL of 80% ethanol. Then dissolve/suspend the pellet in 2 mL of sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5, 0.1 M) and cook at 100˚C for 10 min. Then add 0.1 mL AMG from the Total Starch Kit and proceed according to the method. You will have to determine the degree of dilution for yourself. Treat 0.1 mL with GOPOD etc.
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产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品规格 | 产品等级 | 产品价格 |
164-26013 | 63 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-4 (each 20μg/ml Acetonitrile Solution) 63种农药混合标准溶液WQ-4 |
1mlx5A | for Pesticide Residue Analysis | – |
168-26011 | 63 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-4 (each 20μg/ml Acetonitrile Solution) 63种农药混合标准溶液WQ-4 |
1ml | for Pesticide Residue Analysis | – |
63 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-4 (each 20μg/ml Acetonitrile Solution)
Oxamyl |
草氨酰 |
Nitenpyram |
烯啶虫胺 |
imidacloprid |
吡虫啉 |
Pymetrozine |
吡蚜酮 |
Monocrotophos |
久效磷 |
Cinosulfuron |
醚磺隆 |
Acetamiprid |
啶虫脒 |
Thiacloprid |
噻虫啉 |
Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl |
吡嘧磺隆 |
Cyanazine |
氰草津 |
Ethoxysulfuron |
乙氧嘧磺隆 |
Fluazifop |
吡氟禾草灵 |
(E)-Metominostrobin |
(E)-苯氧菌胺 |
Linuron |
利谷隆 |
(Z)-pyriminobac-methyl |
(Z)-嘧草醚 |
Acibenzolar-S-methyl |
苯并噻二唑 |
Ametryn |
莠灭净 |
Boscalid |
啶酰菌胺 |
(E)-Pyriminobac-methyl |
(E)- 嘧草醚 |
Cumyluron |
苄草隆 |
Benzobicyclon |
双环磺草酮 |
Prometryn |
扑草净 |
Diclomezine |
哒菌酮 |
Chromafenozide |
环虫酰肼 |
Simeconazole |
硅氟唑 |
Tetraconazole |
氟醚唑 |
Naproanilide |
萘丙胺 |
Tebuconazole |
戊唑醇 |
Pirimiphos-methyl |
甲基嘧啶磷 |
Triflumizole |
氟菌唑 |
Benzofenap |
吡草酮 |
Quizalofop-ethyl |
喹禾灵 |
Dinotefuran |
呋虫胺 |
Thiamethoxam |
噻虫嗪 |
Clothianidin |
噻虫胺 |
Trinexapac-ethyl |
抗倒酯 |
Metribuzin |
嗪草酮 |
Bromacil |
除草定 |
Bendiocarb |
恶虫威 |
Furametpyr |
呋吡菌胺 |
Cyproconazole |
环唑醇 |
Indanofan |
茚草酮 |
Diflubenzuron |
二氟脲 |
Tetrachlorvinphos(CVMP) |
杀虫畏 |
Cyprodinil |
嘧菌环胺 |
Fentrazamide |
四唑酰草胺 |
Etobenzanid |
乙氧苯草胺 |
Oxadiargyl |
丙炔恶草酮 |
Phoxim |
辛硫磷 |
Pyrazolynate(Pyrazolate) |
苄草唑 |
Difenoconazole |
苯醚甲环唑 |
Oxaziclomefone |
恶嗪草酮 |
Pentoxazone |
戊基恶唑酮 |
Clomeprop |
氯甲酰草胺 |
Silafluofen |
氟硅菊酯 |
2-甲-4-苯氧基乙酸 |
Dichlorprop |
2,4-滴丙酸 |
Propanil(DCPA) |
敌稗 |
Inabenfide |
抗倒胺 |
Tiadinil |
噻酰菌胺 |
Thifluzamide |
噻呋酰胺 |
Flusulfamide |
磺菌胺 |
Tebufenozide |
虫酰肼 |
Fluazinam |
氟啶胺 |
产品编号 |
产品名 |
中文名 |
包装 |
164-26633 |
66 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-1-2 (each 20μg/ml Acetone Solution) |
66种农药混合表标准溶液 水质-1-2 (各20μg/ml乙腈溶液中) |
1ml x5A |
168-26631 |
1ml |
163-23881 |
15 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-2 (each 20μg/ml Acetone Solution) |
15种农药混合标准溶液 水质-2(各20μg/ml丙酮溶液中) |
1ml×5 |
169-23883 |
1ml |
160-23891 |
28 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-3 (each 20μg/ml Acetonitrile Solution) |
28种农药混合表标准溶液 水质-3 (各20μg/ml乙腈溶液中) |
1ml×5 |
166-23893 |
1ml |
161-26001 |
48 Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution WQ-5 (each 20μg/ml Acetone Solution) |
48种农药混合表标准溶液 水质-5 (各20μg/ml乙腈溶液中) |
1ml |
167-26003 |
1ml x5A |
Whatman 滤膜 10411116 TE38膜 圆型, PTFE, 5m, 90mm 25/盒
Whatman 滤膜 10411116 TE38膜 圆型, PTFE, 5m, 90mm 25/盒 TE38 5uM 90MM 25/PK
BD培养基 212330 500 g EA BBL Dermatophyte Test Medium Base 皮肤真菌实验培养基基础
BD培养基 212330 500 g EA BBL Dermatophyte Test Medium Base 皮肤真菌实验培养基基础
异樱草糖 (木聚糖衍生) Isoprimeverose (xyloglucan derived) 货号:O-IPRM Megazyme中文站
异樱草糖 (木聚糖衍生)
英文名:Isoprimeverose (xyloglucan derived)
规格:50 mg
CAS: 534-98-5
Molecular Formula: C11H20O10
Molecular Weight: 312.3
Purity: > 95%
High purity Isoprimeverose (Xyloglucan Derived) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.
康宁corning 3754 TGOLD,PCR PLT,96W,ES,CLR,PP,NO 96孔PCR板 透明 高裙边 10个/包
康宁corning 3754 TGOLD,PCR PLT,96W,ES,CLR,PP,NO
96孔PCR板 透明 高裙边 10个/包 5包/箱 5592.56
Amresco 0529-1KG CITRIC ACID 柠檬酸
Amresco 0529-1KG CITRIC ACID 柠檬酸
Whatman 滤膜 10312545 602EH1/2折叠滤纸150mm/100
Whatman 滤膜 10312545 602EH1/2折叠滤纸150mm/100 602EH FF 150MM 100/PK
荧光染料26020 Cyanine7.5 NHS ester 5 mg
lumiprobe荧光染料26020 Cyanine7.5 NHS ester 5 mg lumiprobe荧光染料Cyanine7.5 羧基活性酯 5 mg 210
NUNC 142761 BLACK 384 OPT BOT CC LID SI 384孔底透微孔板,细胞培养,黑色
NUNC 142761 BLACK 384 OPT BOT CC LID SI 384孔底透微孔板,细胞培养,黑色
CP – 300 / CPP – 2000系列用管道扳手1 / 2 |柴田科技有限公司-环境检测设备、科学仪器的制造销售
498%2F%3Fc%3D34& ” 498%2F%3Fc%3D34&
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品规格 | 产品等级 | 产品价格 |
048-31211 | Dulcoside A Standard 杜克甙A标准品 |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | – |
044-31213 | Dulcoside A Standard 杜克甙A标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | – |
098-05681 | Isosteviol Standard 异甜菊苷标准品 |
1 g | for Stevioside Determination | – |
189-02581 | Rebaudioside A Standard 莱苞迪甙A标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | – |
185-02583 | Rebaudioside A Standard 莱苞迪甙A标准品 |
1 g | for Food Analysis | – |
188-02551 | Rebaudioside B Standard 莱苞迪甙B标准品 |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
184-02553 | Rebaudioside B Standard 莱苞迪甙B标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | – |
181-02541 | Rebaudioside C 莱苞迪苷C |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
180-02511 | Rebaudioside D 莱苞迪甙D |
5 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
186-02611 | Rebaudioside F 莱苞迪甙F |
5 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
187-02521 | Rubusoside Standard 甜茶苷标准品 |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
183-02523 | Rubusoside Standard 甜茶苷标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
192-15701 | Steviol Standard 甜菊糖标准品 |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
198-15703 | Steviol Standard 甜菊糖标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
199-15691 | Steviolbioside Standard 甜菊双糖甙标准品 |
25 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
195-15693 | Steviolbioside Standard 甜菊双糖甙标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
199-16291 | Stevioside Standard 甜叶菊甙元标准品 |
100 mg | for Food Analysis | - |
实验项目 |
异甜菊苷标准品 098-05681 |
莱苞迪甙A标准品 189-02581 |
莱苞迪甙 B标准品 188-02551 |
甜茶苷标准品 187-02521 |
外观 (JIS K8001 5.1) |
白色结晶状粉末 |
白色结晶状粉末 |
白色结晶状粉末 |
白色结晶状粉末 |
溶解性 |
通过(1,4-二恶烷中) |
通过(水-甲醇混合液中) |
通过(甲醇中) |
通过(甲醇中) |
熔点 |
229~232°C (JIS K0064 3.2) |
– |
– |
– |
比旋光度(20°C ) |
-77.5~-80.5°C (乙醇中) |
– |
干燥后减少量(105°C JIS K0067) |
5.0%以下 |
6.0%以下 |
5.0%以下 |
5.0%以下 |
薄层色谱测试 |
通过 |
通过 |
通过 |
通过 |
纯度 |
98.0+%(HPLC) 98.0+%(容量分析) |
99.0+%(HPLC) |
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
中文名称 |
包装 |
是否为JECFA列表中 |
048-31211 |
Dulcoside A Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
杜克甙A标准品 |
25 mg |
是 |
044-31213 |
Dulcoside A Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
杜克甙A标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
098-05681 |
Isosteviol Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC)(dry basis) |
异甜菊苷标准品 |
1 g |
否 |
189-02581 |
Rebaudioside A Standard, 99.0+% (HPLC) |
莱苞迪甙A标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
185-02583 |
Rebaudioside A Standard, 99.0+% (HPLC) |
莱苞迪甙A标准品 |
1 g |
是 |
188-02551 |
Rebaudioside B Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
莱苞迪甙B标准品 |
25 mg |
是 |
184-02553 |
Rebaudioside B Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
莱苞迪甙B标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
181-02541 |
Rebaudioside C, 90.0+% (HPLC) |
莱苞迪甙C |
25 mg |
是 |
180-02511 |
Rebaudioside D |
莱苞迪甙D |
5 mg |
是 |
186-02611 |
Rebaudioside F |
莱苞迪甙F |
5 mg |
是 |
187-02521 |
Rubusoside Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
甜茶苷标准品 |
25 mg |
是 |
183-02523 |
Rubusoside Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
甜茶苷标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
192-15701 |
Steviol Standard, 99.0+% (HPLC) |
甜菊糖标准品 |
25 mg |
是 |
198-15703 |
Steviol Standard, 99.0+% (HPLC) |
甜菊糖标准品 |
100 mg |
否 |
199-15691 |
Steviolbioside Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
甜菊双糖甙标准品 |
25 mg |
是 |
195-15693 |
Steviolbioside Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) |
甜菊双糖甙标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
199-16291 |
Stevioside Standard, 99.0+% (HPLC) |
甜叶菊甙元标准品 |
100 mg |
是 |
BD培养基 292848 2 kg EA Difco PAIL TAT BROTH TAT肉汤
BD培养基 292848 2 kg EA Difco PAIL TAT BROTH TAT肉汤
Whatman 滤膜 1810-125 酸处理过的低金属含量TCLP圆片,125mm/50
Whatman 滤膜 1810-125 酸处理过的低金属含量TCLP圆片,125mm/50 TCLP 125MM 50/PK
康宁corning 3628BC PLT,96WL,FLAT,BOTTOM,TCT,W/ GENERIC BC,W/LID,S,BK,20/100 20个/包
康宁corning 3628BC PLT,96WL,FLAT,BOTTOM,TCT,W/ GENERIC BC,W/LID,S,BK,20/100 20个/包 5包/箱 7557.59
Whatman 滤膜 10462208 30MM 0.2 UM CA DLL 500/PK FREN
Whatman 滤膜 10462208 30MM 0.2 UM CA DLL 500/PK FREN 30MM 0.2 UM CA DLL 500/PK FREN
Axygen PCR-SP ELISA assay,聚酯,80um 100张/盒,5盒/箱
Axygen PCR-SP ELISA assay,聚酯,80um 100张/盒,5盒/箱 2518.66
Pall颇尔滤膜 61302 SUPOR MEMBRANE 0.8/0.2UM PK5
Pall颇尔滤膜 61302 SUPOR MEMBRANE 0.8/0.2UM PK5 156 1249