harlan teklad官网动物饲料代理商 他莫昔芬饮食 Tamoxifen diets TD.130855

harlan teklad官网动物饲料代理商

他莫昔芬饮食 harlan teklad官网动物饲料代理商 他莫昔芬饮食 Tamoxifen diets TD.130855






    天然色 红色
250 40 TD.130855 TD.130856
500 80 TD.130857 TD.130858
400柠檬酸盐2 40 TD.130859 TD.1308603

3在欧洲称为TAM 400/Creer(TD.55125)





  • 最低订货量为3公斤,足以喂养20只小鼠一个月。
  • 储存冷冻饮食,并计划在六个月内使用。
  • 典型的准备时间为两周(如果经过辐照,则为四周)
  • 辐照(可选)20 kGy的最低剂量(必须按顺序要求)
  • 订购:请致电800.483.5523或在线启动订单


  • 最初减少食物摄入量和减肥
  • 日常观察动物的耐受性-咨询您的IACUC监测指标。
  • 必要时进行干预


  • 通过进行他莫昔芬给药试验,确定低剂量对你的模型是否有效。
  • 用含他莫昔芬颗粒与常规饲料颗粒混合逐渐驯服小鼠
  • 把食物弄湿,然后放在笼子里的盘子里(需要每天更换)。
  • 平日喂饲他莫昔芬饮食,周末有规律饮食。
  • 每隔一周(三苯氧胺饮食两周,休息一周)进行更长时间的治疗
  • 他莫昔芬是一种选择性雌激素受体调节剂(SERM),这意味着它可以抑制雌激素的作用或具有促进雌激素的作用。
  • 人体治疗效果的一般剂量为20毫克/天。用于啮齿动物的他莫昔芬饮食通常含有~1至2毫克/粒。
  • 当处理饮食时,可以使用典型的实验室预防措施,如实验室外套、手套和面罩,尽量减少接触他莫昔芬的事故。
  • 您的化学品安全部门应联系,以获得更多的机构特定的指导方针,以处理和处置含有他莫昔芬的饮食。
  • 治疗时间从一周到两周不等。1,2,5,6,7,8一至两个月3,4,8
  • 纯他莫昔芬1,5,8和枸橼酸他莫昔芬1,2,3,4,6,7都是有效的
  • 通常他莫昔芬剂量为每天40-80毫克/公斤体重。
  • 纯他莫昔芬的典型包合物为250 mg。8或500毫克1,5枸橼酸他莫昔芬为每公斤400毫克。1,2,3,4,6,7
  • 报告的初始重量损失为10%。1,2,4,7,8,与食物摄入量减少有关2
  • 恢复正常饮食后体重的恢复可能会因基因失活而受损。2,7
  1. 安德森·KB,Winer LH,Mork HK,Molkentin JD,Jaisser F.2010。他莫昔芬诱导CRE介导的小鼠心脏基因断裂的给药途径和剂量。 转基因RES 19:715-725。
  2. 蒋介明,凌杰,郑永赫,价格DL,Aja SM,Wong PC.2010年。TDP-43的缺失下调了与肥胖相关的基因Tbc1d1,并改变了身体的脂肪代谢。 美国Acad Sci美国:16320-16324。
  3. Kardakaris R.,Gareus R.,Xandomlea S,Pasparakis M.2011。内皮和巨噬细胞特异性P38αMAPK缺乏不影响ApoE-/-小鼠动脉粥样硬化的发病机制。 PLOSOne 6:e21055。
  4. [2]Kiermayer C,Conrad M,Schneider M,Schmidt J,Brielmeier M.枸橼酸他莫昔芬口服对小鼠心脏时空基因灭活的优化。 创世纪45:11-16。
  5. Koitabashi N,Bedja D,Zaiman AL,Pinto Ym,Zhang M,Gabrielson KL,Takimoto E,Kass DA。2009年。心肌细胞靶向他莫昔芬诱导MerCreMer基因缺失模型中短暂性心肌病的避免。 中国保监会第105:12-15号决议
  6. Kratsios P,Catela C,Salimova E,Huth M,Berno V,Rosenthal N,Morkioti F.2009。细胞自主Notch信号在胚胎和成年心脏心肌细胞中的独特作用。 PCirc第106:559-572号决议。
  7. Miro-Murillo M,Elorza A,Soro-ArNaiz I,Albacete-Albacete L,Ordonz A,Balsa E,Vara-Vega A,Vazquez S,Fuertes E,Fernandez-Criado C,Landazuri MO,Aragones J.2011。急性VHL基因失活可诱导心脏HIF依赖的促红细胞生成素基因表达. PLOS One 6:E 22589。
  8. Welle S,Burgess K,Thornton CA,Tawil R.2009。成熟小鼠肌生长抑素耗竭程度与肌肉生长的关系。 李玉玲.医学杂志.1997(4):E 935-40.

Tamoxifen diets

Diets with tamoxifen activate CreER

Several references cite use of tamoxifen-containing diets for models with Cre under the control of a mutated estrogen receptor. Envigo Teklad diets makes a variety of tamoxifen-containing diets customized to meet your research needs. We also make a variety of doxycycline-containing diets for tet regulated systems. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to consult a nutritionist.

Teklad stocks tamoxifen and tamoxifen citrate

Tamoxifen is added to the diet as a tamoxifen-sucrose mixture. Users are encouraged to use the stocked supply. However, Teklad will continue to work with customer prepared mixes. If you choose this option, please consult a nutritionist for additional information about preparing and sending the mixture.

Users are encouraged to select from the stocked options below supply readily available to ship within days.

Teklad offers diet with USP grade tamoxifen and tamoxifen citrate
mg per kg diet
Daily tamoxifen
mg per kg body weight1
Diet code
(Teklad supplied tamoxifen)
    Natural colored Red
250 40 TD.130855 TD.130856
500 80 TD.130857 TD.130858
400 citrate2 40 TD.130859 TD.1308603

1 Assumes 20-25 g body weight and three-four g intake
2 Tamoxifen citrate is 66% tamoxifen
3 Referred to as TAM400/CreER in Europe (TD.55125)

Please add 5-10 day lead time for irradiated diets; minimum 3 kg orders are required for stocked and customized items.

These diets all have tamoxifen premixed with ~five percent sucrose as a palatability enhancer; however, feed aversion may still occur. If intake is a problem, see below for advice.

Teklad Global 2016 — base diet in these examples — is only one of several minimal phytoestrogen diets Teklad produces. Consult a nutritionist about use of other base diets.


  • Minimum order quantity is three kg, sufficient for feeding ~20 mice for one month
  • Store diet refrigerated and plan to use within six months
  • Typical lead time is two weeks (four weeks if irradiated)
  • Irradiation (optional) minimal dose of 20 kGy (Must be requested at time of order)
  • To place an order: contact Teklad Customer Service at 800.483.5523 or initiate order online

Plan for:

  • Initial reduction in food intake and weight loss
  • Daily observation of animal tolerance — consult your IACUC for monitoring metrics
  • Intervene when necessary

If intake seems to be a problem:

  • Determine if a lower dose is effective for your model by conducting a tamoxifen dose feeding trial
  • Gradually acclimate mice by mixing tamoxifen-containing pellets with regular feed pellets
  • Wet the food, then place in a dish inside the cage (requires daily replacement)
  • Feed tamoxifen diet on weekdays, regular diet on weekends
  • Alternate weeks (two weeks on tamoxifen diet, one week off) for longer treatments
  • Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) meaning it can repress actions of estrogen or have pro-estrogen effects
  • Usual dose for therapeutic effects in humans is 20 mg/day. Tamoxifen diets for rodents typically contain ~one to two mg/pellet
  • Accidental tamoxifen exposure can be minimized by using typical lab precautions of lab coat, gloves, and mask when handling the diet.
  • Your chemical safety department should be contacted for additional institution specific guidelines for handling and disposal of tamoxifen containing diets.
  • Length of treatment varies from one to two weeks1,2,5,6,7,8 to one to two months3,4,8
  • Pure tamoxifen1,5,8 and tamoxifen citrate1,2,3,4,6,7 are both effective
  • Usual tamoxifen doses are ~40-80 mg per kg body weight per day
  • Typical inclusion for pure tamoxifen is 250 mg8 or 500 mg1,5 and for tamoxifen citrate is 400 mg per kg diet1,2,3,4,6,7
  • Initial weight loss of ten % is reported1,2,4,7,8, associated with reduced food intake2
  • Subsequent recovery of body weight after returning to regular diet may be compromised by gene inactivation2,7
  1. Andersson KB, Winer LH, Mork HK, Molkentin JD, Jaisser F. 2010. Tamoxifen administration routes and dosage for inducible Cre-mediated gene disruption in mouse hearts. Transgenic Res 19:715-725.
  2. Chiang PM, Ling J, Jeong YH, Price DL, Aja SM, Wong PC. 2010. Deletion of TDP-43 down-regulates Tbc1d1, a gene linked to obesity, and alters body fat metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:16320-16324.
  3. Kardakaris R, Gareus R, Xanthoulea S, Pasparakis M. 2011. Endothelial and macrophage-specific deficiency of P38alpha MAPK does not affect the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice. PLoS One 6:e21055.
  4. Kiermayer C, Conrad M, Schneider M, Schmidt J, Brielmeier M. 2007. Optimization of spatiotemporal gene inactivation in mouse heart by oral application of tamoxifen citrate. Genesis 45:11-16.
  5. Koitabashi N, Bedja D, Zaiman AL, Pinto YM, Zhang M, Gabrielson KL, Takimoto E, Kass DA. 2009. Avoidance of transient cardiomyopathy in cardiomyocyte-targeted tamoxifen-induced MerCreMer gene deletion models. Circ Res 105:12-15.
  6. Kratsios P, Catela C, Salimova E, Huth M, Berno V, Rosenthal N, Mourkioti F. 2009. Distinct roles for cell-autonomous Notch signaling in cardiomyocytes of the embryonic and adult heart. PCirc Res 106:559-572.
  7. Miro-Murillo M, Elorza A, Soro-Arnaiz I, Albacete-Albacete L, Ordonez A, Balsa E, Vara-Vega A, Vazquez S, Fuertes E, Fernandez-Criado C, Landazuri MO, Aragones J. 2011. Acute Vhl gene inactivation induces cardiac HIF-dependent erythropoietin gene expression. PLoS One 6:e22589.
  8. Welle S, Burgess K, Thornton CA, Tawil R. 2009. Relation between extent of myostatin depletion and muscle growth in mature mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.Oct;297(4):E935-40.